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A member registered Mar 10, 2020

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After playing with absolutely gorgeous 144 fps i noticed that IDPD vans work strangely, first of all, if they collide with enough walls they'll stop moving, secondly, they will keep dealing damage well after they stop moving, killing most IDPD troops that touch it and dealing massive damage if you dare touch it (same as getting run over by it). This however, doesn't seem to happen with 60 fps.

I know the whole going-above-30fps thing is experimental, and it doesn't really bother me if these bugs exist, the game's still fun, but it would be nice to see them get fixed in a future patch, if there ever is one, that is (i don't really know if this mod is still in development or not).

I also noticed lil' hunter moved at an abnormally high speed after death (before exploding), however, this has only happened once as far as i know (it scared the crap outta me when it did happen though).